Pregnancy Journey with Baby Kim

Exciting news – We are expecting a baby boy due New Year’s Eve 2023! 🤰🏻

04.26 // Got a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom around 10 PM and kept the news to myself while P was watching the Warriors in the playoffs on TV. I would normally watch the game with him, but I was too busy processing the news! P was distracted with the game, but later told me that he was wondering why I was in the bathroom for such a long time.

04.27 // Told P the news on his birthday!

05.13 // Confirmed 2nd positive pregnancy test

05.14 // Shared the news to our parents and siblings on Mother’s Day! We have a virtual OB orientation 5/17 and first OB appt 5/24 to confirm pregnancy with doctor.

05.25 // We had our first OB appt yesterday. A healthy pregnancy so far at 8w3d. Praise the Lord! 🙏

06.15 // Appt with NP at 11w4d today! I gained 1 lb since last appt, normal weight gain. We heard baby’s strong heartbeat! Then I went to the lab for prenatal genetic testing and prenatal blood work with 2 urine samples and like 10 blood sample vials, which is the most blood I have ever gotten drawn. Feeling fine!

06.23 // Nuchal translucensy (NT) ultrasound at 12w5d today. Everything looks good so far!

Hi L,

Your ultrasound looks great! The baby is growing well and there were no abnormalities noted.

06.28 // Gender is out! But haven’t clicked to take a look yet 🙈

Dear L,

Thank you for taking this important step during the development of your baby.

The results of your Cell Free DNA/NIPTS/NIPS show that your pregnancy is not at increased risk for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, or Trisomy 13. Please see the attached for Fetal Sex.

07.03 // Gender Reveal… It’s a boy! 👶🏻💙 It was exciting and fun to do our gender reveal down in San Diego! Had the results since Wed, but hadn’t decided how we wanted to find out and couldn’t figure out how to send the file to someone without accidentally looking at it. 🙈 P managed to send the file on Sat night to his sister who we asked to order confetti cannons and ship them to L&K, which arrived on Mon just in time for family photos my mom wanted us to take for her Christmas card. We last minute planned a video call with P’s parents in Korea and his sister’s family, and my family captured video & photos. Glad both sides of our families celebrated with us!

07.17 // Appt with OB at 16w1d today – baby heartbeat healthy and pregnancy going normal!

08.09 // Anatomy ultrasound at 19w3d today. Saw baby’s body parts all healthy, confirmed it’s a boy, baby measuring 19w6d 12/28/23 but still going by LMP 12/31/23, doctor said baby looking great!

08.28 // Appt with NP at 22w1d today! Feeling good. Had lower back pain around 19-20 weeks but resolved with heating pad. Feeling baby movement since 20 weeks, but not daily yet. Heard a strong heartbeat! Thankful for healthy and smooth pregnancy so far, praise God!

Babymoon to Singapore (3 nights) & Bali (3 nights) booked for 9/30-10/8 during my fall break just before 28 weeks and 3rd trimester starts!

09.19 // Appt with OB at 25w2d today! Normal weight gain, belly growth, and baby heartbeat. Planning to take glucose test for gestational diabetes this Sat AM.

09.20 // I am out sick with COVID for the rest of this week 😓 I tested positive last night and took 2 tests to be sure. It started with a scratchy throat and now I have a runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. Not sure how I got it, didn’t hear of anyone around me getting it, but COVID is going around. My OB could tell I was sick and has a list of medications I can take. Nothing for multi symptoms like DayQuil & NyQuil which I can’t take, list is only for separate symptoms like cough or nasal congestion or sore throat. I mainly have runny nose and nasal congestion, worried it will turn into a cough that lingers… I have been doing a lottt of nasal sinus rinses that P uses too.

09.21 // I tested again today, still positive. But P tested negative!

09.23 // Feeling better! Thank God for a speedy recovery without meds!

09.24 // Phew I made it through my 2 hour glucose test with fasting and 4 blood draws. Going home now tired and hungry haha. I find out the results in an hour!!

09.25 // Just checked my results! PTL!!! 🙏😅

Hi L,
Good news, your 2 hour glucose tolerance test came back negative–so no diabetes in pregnancy!

Your complete blood count is normal – no signs of anemia (the highlighted value is within normal limits in pregnancy).

10.08 // Enjoyed a packed few days in Singapore of walking a lot, exploring, and eating good food! Then enjoyed relaxation in Bali with cheap massages. Now boarded flight to Taipei to SF, flying home will take 19 hours…! Babymoon is over 😭 But our trip was so great, time for the 2 of us to enjoy the last of our freedom before baby comes 😆

10.18 // Appt with OB at 29w3d today – Measuring healthy weight gain, belly growth, baby heartbeat! Got flu shot and tdap vaccine!

11.09 // Appt with another friendly OB today at 32w4d since our OB is out for medical emergency but hopefully she is okay and will be back for next appt, otherwise pregnancy still going smoothly!

11.11 // My baby shower was amazingly done! We loved every little detail from the extravagant food spread to the cuteee dino theme, it was so perfect for us and baby boy! So thankful for the love and support of family and friends celebrating Baby Kim with me! 🥰

11.17 // I had my work baby shower, which was nice of my coworkers to throw me one! 🎉 Baby Kim & I feel so loved 🥰

12.01 // Appt at 35w5d today with another NP while my OB is still out for medical emergency, hopefully back next week when I start to go in for weekly appts. Normal weight gain, belly growth, baby heartbeat. Confirmed by ultrasound that baby’s head is down and normal amniotic fluid.

Happy-sad last day of work 🥲 11 parents of 21 students came with cards, gifts, and flowers for my goodbye & baby shower with my class at the last block of the day! My students wrote baby predictions and advice for us 😂 and played baby shower bingo!

12.02 // P built dresser in baby room

12.08 // We saw a different OB on Tue at 36w2d since our OB is still on medical leave. She recommended we get an ultrasound because my belly was measuring small.

We went yesterday for the growth ultrasound at 36w4d. The doctor said that the estimated weight is 9th percentile and abdomen size is 5th percentile. Otherwise, the baby is healthy. The doctor thinks the baby is small because the placenta isn’t delivering enough for normal growth. He recommended regular scans twice a week to make sure baby is doing fine and induce at 39 weeks if there is no complication. I am scheduled for my next appt on Tue with another OB.

12.09 // P built crib in baby room

12.12 // OB appt at 37w2d today – OB measured belly as normal with tape measure, but still going with diagnosis of restricted fetal growth by measurements from ultrasound. She also recommends induction at 39 weeks, earlier in the week preferred, although up to us to decide the date, if we want to avoid Christmas. Baby passed 1st nonstress test (NST). Will continue to have semiweekly NSTs – one with OB appt and other with ultrasound to check for amniotic fluid and doppler.

12.13 // Finished all 4 online Childbirth Education classes for childbirth, newborn care, infant and child safety, and breastfeeding and attended 3 livestream sessions with practical tips and strategies

12.16 // Finished packing hospital bag for mom and baby

12.19 // Ultrasound last Fri and OB appt at 38w1d yesterday – Baby is healthy and active! Next ultrasound on Fri and OB appt on 12/26, but they won’t keep measuring baby since there can be variance week to week. Doctor’s recommendation for induction at 39 weeks when baby is considered full term seems general to all, not specific to me for fetal growth restriction. Everything otherwise is normal. We decided to schedule induction on 12/28 Thu night when I will be 39w4d and hope to be home for the new year!

12.20 // We are still talking about whether to go through with induction on 12/28 or wait until on/after due date to see if I go into labor naturally. We will wait for the next ultrasound and OB appt. Prayers for peace in our decision and trust in God’s sovereign timing!

12.23 // Another NST and ultrasound at 38w5d yesterday – Baby is still healthy and active. They took another growth scan to compare 2 weeks ago so we can have all the info for OB appt on 12/26. Baby is now 13th percentile for estimated fetal weight (6 lbs 5 oz) and 9th percentile for abdomen. Still diagnosed for mild fetal growth restriction since abdomen is less than 10th percentile. Docs still recommend induction at 39 weeks. But we are thinking to move induction from 12/28 to due date since baby is doing well, maybe just on the smaller size.

12.28 // Appt with a different OB on Tue at 39w2d – 2cm dilated and membrane sweep done. Despite medical recommendation for induction at 39 weeks due to fetal growth restriction and concerns about the placenta, I would like to try going into labor naturally. Booked NST and ultrasound on 12/29 and moved induction to due date on 12/31 Sun at 9pm!

12.29 // 39w5d today! Baby passed another NST, still happy and active. Everything looks good with amniotic fluid and dopplers on ultrasound. Waiting any day now or induction on 12/31 at 9pm!

We are so excited to meet our little one!

2023 Thanksgivings

So much to be thankful for in 2023!

  • New home — Moved out of rental home that we loved and lived in for first 1.5 years, bought a newly remodeled house after a year long search, conveniently 5 minutes from my school, hosted family & friends and church gatherings
  • Travels — Most international trips in 1.5 years: Mexico City & Cancun (Feb), Taiwan & Hong Kong (Apr), Singapore & Bali (Oct), also Hawaii (Sep) and 3 trips to San Diego (Apr, July, Sep)
  • 2 years of marriage — time with just the 2 of us from busy days to quiet moments at home
  • Growing family — Our baby boy and a smooth and healthy pregnancy so far, and nephews from both of our siblings
  • “End” of teaching career — 13 years of doing what I love and loving what I do

A year of many highs, PTL!!! 🙏

A year of celebrating many life transitions with family & friends:

  • housewarming 🏠
  • pregnancy announcement 🤰🏻
  • baby shower 👶🏻🎉

Best of the World Puzzle Completed

Wahoo! Third puzzle done with P! From wedding planning to puzzles, we make an awesome team. We worked on the border together. This was a test of our geography of the world. P put in almost all of the pieces of land quickly after he found a strategy that helped him figure it out quite easily. On my last day of Ski Break (which was pretty much resting and wedding planning all week), I finished up the buildings that surround the land. It was fun to figure out where the 500 pieces go since I didn’t let us use the picture on the box for help, or else it would be too easy. I have picked up a hobby of doing puzzles while staying at home until I can do my favorite hobby of traveling the world!! ✈️🗺

Spring Flowers in Paris Puzzle Completed

P gifted me this Spring Flowers in Paris puzzle for Christmas as we look forward to traveling together and reminisce about travels while waiting for COVID to be better. We started this puzzle on New Year’s Day and finished yesterday! Puzzles are so addicting, and it is nice for a change to be able to use color to place the pieces. My Eeyore puzzle took years because I got stuck on all the photomosaic pieces that were the same color for Eeyore’s body and the sky. SIP has changed my hobbies and is making me become a homebody from reading books (on to the last book of the Harry Potter series!) to working on puzzles, but it’s a nice break from ongoing wedding planning.

2020 NYE Scavenger Hunt

Somehow I missed New York’s NYE countdown at 9pm with my mom by turning on what I thought was the “right” channel, so I didn’t get to countdown with her like usual before she went to bed before midnight. I also didn’t get to follow my usual NYE tradition at Allen’s, but my close friends and I celebrated the last couple of hours of 2020 on Zoom together. I planned a scavenger hunt game for us to reflect on 2020, and I am so thankful for their efforts to play and share openly with the group!

  • The Rules:
  • 1. Everyone has to play!
  • 2. You will have 60 seconds to find an object/photo.
  • 3. Be creative! Find something different from everyone else.
  • 4. There will be time for everyone to share.
  • 5. Be ready to popcorn the next person to share.
Find a skill you learned or improved on OR a new habit you started doing.
Find something you miss that you could do before COVID-19.
Find 3 favorite memories.
Find a book you read OR a movie you watched and really liked.
Find a purchase that you bought that you are very happy with.

(No photo) Find a Bible verse or passage that stood out to you and encouraged you a lot.

With 15 minutes left to midnight, we ended the scavenger hunt game with prayer, found our choice of beverage to cheers, watched about 5 minutes of New York’s NYE countdown, and played a few rounds of before calling it a night. I am thankful for this group of close friends who have supported me and P individually and as a couple, celebrated our birthdays and engagement with us, and been running the race together through the joys and challenges of 2020 onto 2021!

Cheers to a new year! 🥂🍾